About Me

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I created this blog to keep everyone updated about how things are going with my GAP year. I left the US on August 26th and returned May 4th. During GAP year I was taking classes in Spanish, theology, evangelism, and missions. I was working in a ministry called Metro, went to a Spanish church called Principe de Paz, and an English church called GGP. In the GAP year program I had the opportunity to be part of a weekly discipleship/small groups with the leaders in Costa Rica. God did great and mighty things in my life!! I am learned so much and I am falling more in love with Jesus, His word, and His people everyday! I would love it if you would continue to pray for me. Thanks for all of your support!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Life update

I'm sorry I haven't posted on here in a long time. I feel like I have been quite busy these past few weeks. Here's just an update on my life.

There was a student this week that is in GAP that just gave her life to Jesus!
I feel like I doing better with Spanish and I am able to understand more and more.
I have been learning so so much in Bible class as we have been talking about apologetics (how to defend our faith).
God has really been working in my heart and I grow to love Him, His word, and His people more everyday.
Andy's (the GAP director here in Costa Rica) family just moved into their new house which is very close to the villa which is awesome. They are all moved in and things went very smoothly with their transition.

Prayer requests
It is quite easy once one person here at the villa gets sick for it to spread to multiple people which is exactly what is happening now. Several people here at the villa are not feeling well and are feeling under the weather.
I am beginning to think about what it is that I am going to do next year after GAP and I am still unsure. I am in the process of applying (I was accepted last year so now I am just applying again) to Moody to study there starting in the fall of 2014 but I don't know what major I would study and I am really not even sure if God wants me to go to Moody next year or not. I have many things on my heart right now and could do many things I just want to know exactly what it is God wants me to do. Please pray for not only me to know what to do but also the other students here in GAP cause many of us are unsure of what we are going to do.
Some people here in GAP are beginning to grow weary in their ministries. Please pray for them to have the right heart attitude, to see the spiritual and not just the physical, for God to work in and through them, and for God to be their strength.
John's (our Bible teacher) wife Bekah is pregnant and due in a few short months so please pray for her and the baby's health and for the adjustment of having 2 children.
We are leaving for Christmas break soon and I think the adjustment to going back home will be hard for us so please pray for that to go well and for us to stay healthy too!

Thank you for your love and support. I will see you all in 24 short days!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear how God is teaching and using you! I hope you'll be able to come to Moody next fall if it is in the Lord's will for you. It's one of the best things that happened to me. :D

    I pray that God, the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
